GDPR PRO Review of WordPress Plug-in to make site GDPR-compliant

by admin

The GDPR PRO WordPress plug-in is used on any WordPress website that is not compliant with the European Union’s new General Data Protection Regulation, better known as the GDPR.

On May 25th, the EU’s new data protection regulation, GDPR, comes into force. Here’s the good news: getting your WordPress website GDPR-compliant can be simplified by downloading and installing the GDPR PRO plug-in, doing a few settings, and editing the supplied policy text files. That’s all there is to it, and that’s what this GDPR PRO Review covers.

The underlying issue is one of consent. Under GDPR, you are legally required to ensure that you have a good reason for holding onto and using an individual’s data. This is referred to in the legislation as the “legitimate interest.” For marketers using e-mail lists, the most relevant issue is that the individual has given his or her explicit and informed consent to your collecting their data.

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